Acne, Facial Hair, Skin Tags and PCOS 2

One might ask the question, what increases the risk of ovarian cancer?

To begin with, never being pregnant might cause the cysts. Also, the use of birth control pills, or fertility drugs.

What is meant by polycystic ovarian syndrome? Also known as PCOS, polycystic ovarian syndrome is exactly as the name implies:


many cysts. It is the result of too many male hormones [i.e. the opposite of too much oestrogen as we saw in ovarian cysts]. PCOS occurs when there is an excess of the luteinizing hormone [LH, i.e. the male hormones].

Polycystic ovarian syndrome affects about 10% of women in their reproductive years. It is the most common hormonal disfunction at that time. PCOS runs in families and 20% will get it if their mothers had it, and 40% will get it if their sisters had it. For women with PCOS, pregnancy usually results in a miscarriage in the first trimester. In addition, it is difficult to get pregnant when a woman has PCOS because most of the time eggs are not released.

What are the symptoms of PCOS? First, the pituitary gland releases more of the male hormones because more LH [luteinizing hormone] is released. Facial coarse hairs and also skin tags may appear, as does oily skin and acne. Many [poly] cysts develop in the ovaries and the ovaries become enlarged. 

Early symptoms may appear in puberty. For example, there will be large amounts of bleeding during menstruation. Periods will be irregular, or even a lack of periods. Because of the symptoms, infertility becomes a main concern for someone with PCOS.

If you don’t treat PCOS it can lead to cancer of the uterine lining. There is also an increased risk of developing Type-2 diabetes. There’s also a high probability that a woman will develop high blood pressure, and/or even cardiovascular disease. A woman with these predispositions should watch her diet, exercise and probably try to lose weight gradually if she is overweight.

Sometimes symptoms may appear to be related to PCOS, but doctors must decide if there are other reasons for them. A tumor, for example could be the reason for an increase in male hormones. In addition, lack of periods could be a result of prolactin abnormalities and/or a thyroid abnormality.

In short, ovarian cysts are caused by too much or an increase in estrogen. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, on the other hand, is the result of too much or an increase in male hormones. Ovarian cyst has few obvious symptoms while women with PCOS will have obvious ones. Ovarian cysts after menopause are serious, whitespaces only occur in the reproductive years. Both conditions are serious if they cause pain and interfere with lifestyle and plans. They are very serious because if left untreated, and they do not disappear on their own, they can grow and even become cancerous. It is imperative that a woman remain proactive.

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